
Today I write to achieve two objectives for this blog.  First, in this inaugural post, to tell you about what I am going to write and share with you.  And more importantly, to thank one of my greatest friends, JT Pedersen.

I have known JT for about 2 decades, maybe more as I’ve lost track.  We met while working at Autodesk in the go-go days of Silicon Valley.  We’ve never lived in the same city, but have been each other’s coach from time to time.  JT is a true servant leader, and we share a common set of servant leadership values.

Where It Started

I recall a conversation with JT more than 2 years ago where things were not so bright, and I suggested he reinvent himself using social media, and differentiate himself from the crowds of lost souls that perform unappreciated work for traditional employers.  As I look back now, I realize that in many ways, I was telling myself that I needed to do the same.

Well, fast forward 2+ years, and JT’s blog has dozens of posts, and is in its third generation.  This Christmas Holiday, 2012, he has helped me finally get my Blog SteinVox, off the ground.  The two of us have followed other power bloggers like Seth Godin, which has framed our interest in sharing.  For JT’s help, and his patience in letting me go on and on and tolerance for my procrastination, I am deeply grateful.

After this Inaugural Post, I Must Deliver

Over the past 2 years, I have kept a long list of topics, notes, opinions and other content from my experience, knowledge and opinion. The content is so rich and strong that it keeps me awake at night.that flows from my head at a greater rate than my fingers can type (I type just under 100 words per minute).

In my blog, I will be focusing on a number of business topics including:

  1. Pervasive Strategy
  2. Fearless Marketing
  3. Design Thinking
  4. User-oriented Experience
  5. Coaching and Mentoring
  6. Organizational Development

While these may seem loosely focused, I assure you that this blog will be the foundation for any C-level executive to learn and understand all those things that they don’t teach you in business school – that is, the real meat and potatoes of where to start, how to navigate politics, and even what to do first.

More About My Friend JT

JT is an innovative business leader, and you can learn more about my friend and the value he shares on his blog at I recommend signing up for his posts – you will learn a lot.

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